Tuesday, February 23, 2010

operation: color me stylish - day 6

It's day six! Still doing pretty good (...minus those few days without photos. tee hee.)! I've been enjoying some of the outfits I have chosen. My makeup however, is still lacking a bit. My skin has been going a little haywire, so I have been trying to lay off the stuff. Nothing but mascara and lip balm...

Okay. Enough rambling, looky here:

These pictures are completely cheesy.

I was taking them myself, so that's why the angles are a little weird and all the extra in the background (sorry about that!). Still, not bad for an amateur.

Top: Target $4
Jeans: Old Navy $8. One of my favorite pairs. Dark denim is the best!
Blazer: BCF. I can't remember the price, but they always have good deals there...
Scarf: Target $3
Shoes: Target $9. I haven't worn these out yet. I'm still waiting for Spring. [sigh]
Earrings: Your everyday basic silver hoops. I got them in one of those three packs.
Ring: Kohls $3. A pretty silver and turquoise combo.
[side note: I liked how my hair turned out. I was just going with something, and for short hair, I like that it looks like I have a cute bun on the top of my head.]

It was a great day, today. Nothing in particular happened, I think I just woke up on the right side of the bed for once. Had to rise a little early, though, so I'm off to bed for some of that good ol' beauty sleep! Goodnight, loves.

Hope everyone had a great Tuesday. ;)


StephanieDJL said...

Okay so I may be completely bias as I'm a sucker for blazers and roll up jeans but I LOVE this outfit! It's so cute and casual

Quiana Dior' said...

Hey Hun,I'm your new follower..I love your blog so far.Cute style.I'm new to the blogging world,so please show some love and follow back...xoxo


Unknown said...

@StephanieDJL - Thank you dahling! [tries to sound 'glamourous'...] Just a little something I threw together... Lol.

@FabLondyn - Thank you for the complement! I would love to check out your blog! ;)