Tuesday, December 22, 2009

liar, liar. pants on fire...

(This picture is not my personal property.)

Umm... is it just me, or does this FTC mandate make us sound more and more like liars everyday???

I understand that the angle is to make sure you aren't just positively endorsing products you get for free... The public wants and need honest reviews!

Still, with that being said, for me to have to announce that "this my honest opinion", even if I got something for free, seems like we're trying too hard to come off as honest in the first place, no? How do you really know I'm telling the truth?

I guess we go off the assumption that most beauty bloggers giving their reviews on a product treat their word as their bond, and typing an honest review means more than free gifts...

Alas, what can you do when the government has spoken???

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