Thursday, June 4, 2009

i say yes to Sprummer

What is Sprummer, you ask? Sprummer is that little pocket of time between Spring and Summer where the weather has decided it can do whatever it wants from 80˚ scorching, sunny days to blustery winds and mini-monsoons (is mini-monsoon an oxymoron?)! So then why say ‘yay’??! For the cute style opportunities of course! Take a look at these…

Aren’t those some of the cutest shoes? One of the coolest things is that they were each less than $10! The black pair is from Payless. One word: BOGO. Because of BOGO I got them for $9.99, when they were originally about $30. Saved myself twenty dollars! As for my faves (cream pair), these were just too cute to resist! I got them from the Gap and they were marked down to $14.99. I know, I know. That’s not ten dollars, right? Well, it was after I applied my discount coupon I received via email! If I recall right, I was able to purchase those sandals, another pair in black (for my mommy), a cute plaid skirt and some boxers to sleep in. Less than $25 spent, which would have been the Payless shoes alone, full price… If you ask me, that is true fabulosity! Now, what will I pair these with? ;)

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